Welcome to Steampeen!

This Site aims to quantify how good your Steam-Profile is, gives you an overview of how good or bad your games are as a whole and some generally neat numbers.
To get started, simply insert any kind of Steam-Profile identifier (like the url, or your Steam-ID should you know it) into the box above and click submit.

This is a Student-project, a proof of concept and in no way, shape or form associated with the services we're using. (Also it's not really optimized [yet], expect long[er] loading-times when submitting accounts with huge libraries.)

  • 382 Players
  • 64779 Games Played
  • 145777 Games Owned
  • 41128 Games in DB
  • 3099734 hours spent in Games
  • 8114 hours spent per Player
  • 28,378,826+ Individual Ratings
About data and consistency

We try to keep Data consistent and up-to-date, this is however not really manageable. We grab Data from multiple sources, but most of them choose to implement some kind of limit on how much data you can snag inside a timeframe.
Currently we try to update game-related data every two weeks.
Data about Users only gets a refresh if it's older than 24 hours AND if the Profile gets searches via the form above.
This helps us conserve our API-calls to third-party-services.